How to Get a Free QNX License

It's easy to get started with embedded RTOS development with a free QNX 8.0 license.

How to Get a Free QNX License

At QNX we recently opened up access to the latest QNX Software Development Platform and QNX OS (version 8.0). Anyone can get a free non-commercial perpetual license to use for prototyping, learning, and experimentation. (Learn more about this change and QNX Everywhere here!)

Request and accept your license

You can start things off by requesting your own free license at If you do not already have an account with QNX, first sign up and verify your email address then return to the link above.

At the link, follow the prompts to request the license. It can take up to 30 minutes to complete, but soon after you should see a license available for you in the myQNX License Manager. In the license manager table, accept your license with the blue button. Next, in that same column, click the prompt to deploy the license; enter your same email address and deploy the license.

To get started with QNX, you'll next want to download and use the QNX Software Center to install the QNX tools and OS.

For a full walkthrough of the process, here's a video from my colleague Eric Johnson showing how to obtain one for yourself.